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Министерство культуры Оренбургской области
Оренбургская областная универсальная
научная библиотека им. Н.К. Крупской

г. Оренбург, ул. Советская, 20, orenlib@bk.ru
Тел. для справок: +7 (3532) 32-32-48, приемная: +7 (3532) 77-06-76
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Главная / О библиотеке / About the Library

About the Library

About the Library

The Orenburg Regional Universal Research Library named after Krupskaya N. is the oldest library of the region. The library  was established on February 19, 1888. In 1934 it gained the status of a Regional Library.

The modern Orenburg Regional Universal Research Library is the largest library of the region with numerous functions: Public Universal Research Library, an information center with modern communication facilities, a central repository of regional, native and foreign literature in the Orenburg region, a universal regional center of inter-library exchange system, the depository of local literature, coordination and methodological center for all libraries in the Orenburg region. The library comprises of 14 departments and 8 sections. The library staff is 129 people, 74 of them have higher and secondary specialized education.

The library's visitors can use the system of specialized departments and reading rooms, the reference and bibliographic department with the section of local bibliography, Legal Information Center, an Internet room, periodicals and library card. In 2007, there were over 128,000 visits, the number of readers was 24,000, and the book circulation was over 500,000 publications. The Regional Research Library has a universal fund which has literature of all branches of knowledge, over 2,300,000 copies of documents, including about 30,000 publications in 100 foreign languages. The library subscribes to more than 1,000 magazines, journals and newspapers.

The section of rare editions (about 13,000 documents) has a great historical, cultural and scientific value. It contains handwritten books, especially the oldest one, stored in the library, the books of XVII-XIX century, 111 periodicals, lifetime editions of classic literature - A. Pushkin 1830, G. Derzhavin 1808, L. Tolstoy 1864, books with autographs of scholars, writers, public figures, and miniature editions.

The collection of local history publications is represented by more than 16,000 materials. It contains books, many of which have famous local historians and public figures autographs, newspapers, the region researchers works (I. Lepyokhin, V. Tatishchev), collection of local press publications. The library contains the most complete collection of domestic patent documentation in the region (over 1,500,000). It also has the largest collection of sheet music in the region (25,000 materials are notes for all kinds of music playing, pedagogical and concert repertoire, keyboard works, musical scores, and songbooks). In recent years, the Media Library Fund has been actively formed. The library offers readers a collection of legislative and regulatory acts, from the "Complete code of laws of the Russian Empire", to the reference legal systems "Consultant-Plus" and "Garant".

Now the Regional Library has become the center of a cultural life of the city. The library holds numerous public events, such as book and art exhibitions, literary and creative meetings, scientific and practical conferences, concerts, roundtable discussions, local history and library readings, contests, training seminars, and sessions on fine art and music. All these events are very popular among the city residents. The list of additional paid services is expanded annually, but the immutable principle of free access to information, library services and inclusion of readers in the values of Russian and world culture is constantly maintained.

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